Feed Drill

Tactical Problem:  Bump the ball to the hula hoop with proper height and placement
Skill development: Proper body position and forearm pass technique

  • stay low
  • turn to target
  • contact off flat platform
  • extend legs on contact
  • increase size of target area
  • feed ball from opposite side of net
  • 1st team to 5 balls in hula hoop wins...
Teaching Points:
  • why do you want to hit the ball high? and How?
  • why do you want to hit ball near hula hoop or net during a game situation?
Aim is to bump ball in the hula hoop
  • Feeder feeds balls to alternating lines
  • get two player to be the shaggers 
  • after being feed ball, go to opposite line

Diagram of One Group 

Organizational Points: 
  • demo drill with one group first while explaining it